Fuel Injector Testing from Northampton Motorsport

Injector Testing and Ultrasonic Cleaning Service

from Northampton Motorsport. 

In the ever increasing demand for fuel efficiency, greener emissions and enhanced engine performance, here at Northampton Motorsport, we offer a Fuel Injector Testing and Ultrasonic Cleaning service for most modern top feed fuel injectors.


What is Injector Testing?

Over time, injectors can get blocked and deteriorate which can cause running issues, lack of power and economy. Here at Northampton Motorsport, we are capable of checking injectors to ensure they are working and balanced correctly which can include ultrasonic cleaning and the replacement of seals and filters (as required).

We use an ASNU Injector Tester which is one of the market leading machines in Injector Testing and are a certified ASNU Service Centre.

Northampton Motorsport Injector Testing ANSU Injector Tester

How does it work?

The process beings with initial flow testing. This includes an inspection for leaks, resistance testing, checking the spray pattern, pulse operation and flow rate verification. Based on the results of the flow test, your injectors may require Ultrasonic cleaning.

If your injectors require cleaning, they are inserted into an ultrasonic cleaner, immersed in a cleaning solution whilst simultaneously being Pulsed at varying frequencies by the ASNU machine.  This pulsing draws the cleaning fluid back and up through the injector and this is then vibrated by the ultrasonic waves which in turn breaks down the impurities that are clogging up your injectors.  You can sometimes see a white froth coming out of the top of the injectors and this is the impurities being broken down and finding their way out of the injectors. This process helps remove all debris and deposits from inside the injector.

Once cleaning is complete, a secondary flow test is completed. Once the testing is complete, you will receive a comprehensive Service Diagnostic Report detailing the result of each specific injector.

Its important to understand that even after cleaning, its not always possible to get your injectors back within tolerances. In these instances, new injector(s) will be required and you would still be charged for the testing and cleaning service.

Seals & Filters

Once your injectors have been through the testing process and if they are within tolerance, they will have new filter baskets (also known as filter screens) installed as these are removed during the ultrasonic cleaning process.

New seals are also fitted to the injectors and then, your injectors are ready for reinstallation.

Earlier style injectors generally come with Pintle caps. These are usually in good condition and can just be refitted. If any are missing or damaged, we hold a wide range of Pintle caps in stock and can generally replace these as required.

Fuel Injectors from Northampton Motorsport

This service is completed entirety in-house and is a service we can offer whilst you wait (strictly by appointment only). We are also able to test injectors via post with worldwide shipping options available.

Testing can take as little as an an hour. If cleaning is required, this can take significantly longer and the injectors may need to be left with us.

If you choose to post your injectors to us, please include your full name, address and contact details with brief details of the fault / request within the package.

Please Contact Us or visit our online shop for prices and more information.